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Machine Learning

Is machine learning changing the way how we fight against COVID -19?

The application of artificial intelligence and machine learning over many sectors are known to the world. But the arrival of unexpected medical emergencies caused by the coronavirus is a crippling reality since 2020. Machine learning service and data science are changing the world we live and work. In this blog, we will dig into detail into how machine learning services can be used in the times of this pandemic and post-pandemic world. 

Machine learning service

Machine learning, deep learning, data science and artificial intelligence are the most concocted terms used nowadays. Machine learning is all about trying to replicate human intelligence over machines to carry out certain routine task, It has got many dimensions. Machine learning has got a new dimension that is called deep learning 

  • Reasoning ability – Logical, deterministic and explainable
  • Recognition – Like humans, they can recognize many things
  • Deep learning – Train to do sophisticated recognition tasks impossible by standard computing mechanisms. 

Machine learning service has got much relevance and optimum use in several sectors. For example, healthcare. Machine learning service is used by medical allied professionals for hospital management to drug inventory.

The scope and importance of machine learning service

Machine learning service can help in looking at disease surveillance, detection and tracking. These three aspects are critical to tackle or manage the rising covid-19 infection scenario. Secondly, protection and prevention are also important to reduce the spread of the virus. Moreover, the need to handle lockdown based on scenario analysis can be executed effectively with a machine learning service. Machine learning can be a real aid to plan the entire activities. 

Opening up artificial intelligence and machine learning service can be a real help. We can use machine learning in the following realms with regard to COVID-19

  • Planning and decision making
  • Matching and clustering
  • Anomaly recognition
  • Pattern recognition
  • Rule-based workflow system
  • HMI conversational AI

On a deeper level, the healthcare industry can use AI to carry out the necessary analysis. 

  • Biochemical analysis
  • Signal analysis
  • Data analysis
  • Human analysis
  • Integrated knowledged analysis

We have seen the possibilities of using machine learning and AI-enabled technologies against COVID-19 spread has great potential. The only thing is to remember that we need to use our logic and priorities to carry out everything in a well-versed manner along with the human workforce such as doctors, nurses, other medical allied professionals. 

Mainly, five kinds of artificial intelligence exist and are effectively integrated along with machine learning services. 

  • Descriptive AI
  • Detective AI
  • Predictive AI
  • Preventive AI
  • Curative AI

COVID-19 screening funnel is evolving with new variants and complex measures. So 

Effective use of machine learning services is necessary. 

Apart from fighting to reduce the spread of coronavirus, it also helps in the fight against different situations caused by the pandemic. For example, the way we take lessons and examinations is changing drastically with AI solutions. 

About us 

Brainfuel is the best provider of machine learning service in India that delivers all kinds of bespoke machine learning solutions for diverse businesses. Being a top provider of machine learning services in India, we provide the best ML-based service to all kinds. 




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